
About Kristi





Contact Kristi

  Welcome to my web site!
"Kristi is a professional with extensive training, personal experience, and expertise in personal training and nutrition. She is also extremely client centered which means you’ll get a personalized program designed to help you achieve your goals and objectives at a pace that is most comfortable for you. It sure worked for me!" - Bill Naidenovich

Thanks for visiting my web site! I am truly appreciative of all the support and the business you bring me! I love what I do and this site is only an extension of my passion. I am certified through American Council on Exercise and provide personal training services.

Thanks again for visiting my web site! Be sure to check out my links and training tips for some great free information! If you would like to learn more check out my About Me or Competition pages! Have a great day! Kristi

  free training tips>

fitness competitions>

Weight training boosts your metabolism and creates a leaner, more toned appearance. In addition, it reduces your stress levels and give you more strength and energy for your daily activities. click here to read more>
Have you ever thought about entering a race or competition? Click here to see local area upcoming events!
click here to read more>
learn to be fit> just a little about me>
You have a choice about your own fitness. I can help you understand that fitness and health are achievable and easy... click here to find out more>
I wear a lot of hats; mother, registered nurse, and personal trainer. I love what I do and get great satisfaction teaching others how to meet their health and fitness goals..... click here to read more>
what's new?>

Keep up on the latest of what I am doing or offering. I will post items of general interest to the fitness community here such as visits from fitness related personalities or upcoming events. You can also check here for information on my upcoming dinner/lectures on nutrition. I will also post training classes that I will be offering or the people I work with offer, like group boot camps.... click here to read more>








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